Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok so here are some of the things I've written recently (within ten years) that could be organized into one or many works; some writing and revision are clearly necessary. Over break I've mostly been reconstructing it, but that has given me a chance to reorganize it; to do that I may have to examine it pretty carefully. I put it in its natural order at first, the order of reconstruction, but that order is not really the best order; for example, one section was ordered as most recent first, but that clearly wasn't right. Also, within them, we find some that are about changes wrought by technology, which is really another strain in my writing altogether. So the question is: what should I separate out? What should I put together? What should I do with this stuff?

language as a self-organized system

___ (2006). Principles of self-organized, emergent systems. Google docs. Available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19qycnSQfOgxurzHtI4f_3AL0-2BpMHYFUhimUQAthAc/edit?hl=en#.

___ (2006). Principles of language change. Google docs; Available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w-K6VnsbixP_oMwc4GhY0stIx5nDO8wRoO3bY94TJyA/edit?hl=en#.

___ (2006). Dialects and self-organization. Google docs; originally published at http://www.siu.edu/~cesl/z/sos/c7.html. Available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kKXBFioV-1tMhySKjAuNZjmkgkmRwTe9osd34_R iI9U/edit?hl=en#.

___ (2007). Principles wanted. Google docs; originally published under the title “Principle Wanted” at http://www.siu.edu/~cesl/z/sos/pw.html. Available: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1PHgAhpazDaAugkOhStXcaglmJJhmbPLL9_MrEsuCvLQ.

___ (2006). Human perception: change as the default option. Google docs, originally published at http://www.siu.edu/~cesl/z/sos/c3.html. Available at https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=10nXY_gwMosxe_Gavol3RQauLspQeFLs9PCVr8WudQhA. (needs work)

language and acquisition

___ (2007). After Krashen, learn the rules of the road. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=17wF8EXdWp2n18XBoFyeTJbIFOfaLujYWqNJ435avJeM.

Leverett, T. (2008). Intermediaries. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1tPoG0cYRRFuuSjsvkbg6WearHKvlcLv3A55SBA-hX8k.

Leverett, T. (2008). Present but not perfect. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=15kcI0pLF-FdOyvfxLl4pYN10tscrybahRIQZrYkti3o.

Leverett, T. (2008). Primacy is for primates. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1UXCIgZLoszQf8C4e4I8CWpWFl2Qz_0QsfzCCwlizsDc.

Leverett, T. (2008). Principle Wanted: Introduction. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1j5EmVVxmdla8mxUVRUdhvpQgVLINq4DE_39yR42Myxk.

___ (2008). Oh to be estar. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1-rU89LIuLYiZs3kSdKA9EJ5MBu6CLd-rK3HhJK-mL_0.

___ (2008). Tale of two hypotheses. Available: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Y__AMfco4_CHxqKIoZvLsJONMxomVzA1JffzMqy4RdQ.

___ (2008). Grammar Wars. Available at https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1gytyWxj3_xro4mSgykL9vIgId69JH4Rg6P4LMLQkGE8.

___ (2008). Communicative theory rocks the 20th century. Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1cLotkxQwR3He_HvoyDw3zkYzaVr5aMYSz43h3j_F-yY.

___ (2007). After Krashen, reboot. Original introduction with some links, not an article. Now available at http://tomsources.blogspot.com/2011/01/after-krashen-reboot.html.


Leverett, T. (2007). Volume theory. http://tomsources.blogspot.com/2011/01/volume-theory.html. needs to be rewritten/renamed.

Leverett, T. (2004). Translation Plateau. Available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/124XX998qKL9VbKWLjx0oEbBCIUxPAj6kNvTlSKPIcp8/edit?hl=en#.

grammar & correction

Leverett, T. (2009, Mar.). Red ink and the OK Corral, written for Error correction frontier: The good, the bad and the ugly (Discussion, Writing IS,TESOL 2009, Denver CO USA). Available https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1JCPRiIt2yBGSGCMdwDTbaalPipTvGw1fw3JD52L7DYk

Leverett, T. (2009). Red ink and the mud-wrestler’s grasp. Available: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1zpEfLQpYIdR2b682ggi0D9DUUTq5OZR6VLc6thAt2xw.

progress report

Thought I'd write a lot during this break, but instead, I looked at the massive amount of writing I'd already done, that was in danger of rotting away on a single disk which I carry in my briefcase (mind you: the single biggest danger is that I misplace stuff)...so, I began restoring.

Lo and behold, I have almost enough to write a book, and I haven't even finished. Today I restored about eight articles, which I will link for you, but following questions remain.

There are about five under "Language as a self-organized (-ing?) system" and about eight that go under various names, from "Principle Wanted" (ambiguous for reasons stated earlier), to "After Krashen Reboot" or even "After Krashen call the insurance" or "After Krashen learn the rules of the road". I had rejected the overt references to Krashen since only a few of them are really about Krashen; however, it seems I need a new overarching name, and don't yet have it. I'll work on it.

Now the obvious question is whether the first five and the second eight can be tied together in any way. There are two more that deal specifically with grammatical correction and are even more loosely joined, conceptually, to these thirteen. Yet I sense that virtually everything I've said comes straight out of my experience and if that's all that binds it, maybe I should just keep it where it is in the back reaches of my personal collection.

So 5 + 8+ 2 (the last two being unrestored as of yet) plus a whole trove of blog posts (some of them are referenced here and elsewhere, and may be redundant)...is that enough? If not, what is missing?

More coming. I actually have more to say, but haven't said it.

Interlanguage- I'm still interested in Seliger's theories and what has come of them. If I remember correctly, people didn't understand them well (this was in graduate school) and couldn't quite tell you the difference between interlanguage and interference, which, for all I know, has replaced it again. Interlanguage was a "new" theory when I studied it, but it made a lot of sense, and explained things in such a way that the new learner did not look like he was unable to pick up a pencil because of a sweater lying on top of it.

Markedness theory- Linguists has always had trouble defining this because as soon as they do, they have to explain how something can be marked phonetically but unmarked semantically, etc. My purpose will be to show that the learner must himself/herself define it and use it for his/her own purposes.

What I originally called Volume theory, I have to rename because the name just doesn't sit well with me. This has been stored in the back reaches of storage, because I don't want to lose it, but, if it's a useful concept, it should have a useful name and go forward, perhaps in the book. It is a partner with Translation Plateau, one of the first things I wrote, which I consider important enough to keep and integrate.

more later, as I said.